Playing with Hue and Postman is pretty simple. The first thing you need to do is generate a username token for API access. To do this first press the button on the Hue Bridge and within 30 seconds do a POST request to http://<bridge-ip>/api with a body of:
{ "devicetype": "postman" }
This will generate a JSON response similar to:
[ { "success": { "username": "6BuAOXcL81Y6XeAae0crrFQHFIlFPdkq48qXo3Vp" } } ]
Going forward your URL endpoint will include the newly created username token for all API calls. For example to get light information do a GET request to http://<bridge-ip>/api/<username>/lights
To turn on a single light take note of the light id from the above JSON response and do a PUT request to the URL including the light id http://<bridge-ip>/api/<username>/lights/<id>/state. In the body set the state:
{ "on": true }
Changing the above to “false” would turn the light off.
To turn on/off using groups get the group number by doing a GET request to http://<bridge-ip>/api/<username>/groups. Take the group number from the JSON output and do a PUT request to http://<bridge-ip>/api/<username>/groups/<group-number>/action. In the JSON body set the action:
{ "on":true }
As before with the lights changing to “false” would turn all lights off in the group.
The reason I started playing with the API in the first place was to use the alert function to flash my lights which can be done with either a single light or a group by changing your JSON body to:
{ "alert":"lselect" }
The above will flash the lights for 15 seconds. Changing to “select” will flash once.
There are a lot more options available and everything is documented on the Hue Developer website, but that will get you started.